Safety and Quality
workplace safety and quality of process management
Yes, definitely. What’s more, we can do it extremely effectively. The basic task of SIEGA software in this case is creating a mechanism which eliminates possible causes of accidents and incidents. It can be achieved even in a dynamic workplace where many operations take place with the use of dangerous tools or heavy equipment. We must realize that our workplace sends us a great number of signals which are all too often ignored.
The signals in question are anomalies, near misses, the information from manual workers or some observations concerning organizational issues. All of them provide knowledge of the phase of safety management a given group of employees is at the moment.
The most important task of SIEGA software in such a case is gathering information for analysis in a way that, in the first place allows, to prevent recurrence of a similar accident. The information will help improve procedures and prevent not only similar accidents from happening but also many likely incidents. The key aspect is to find the root cause of an accident and to take action.
The software also actively supports the management of the company in search of root causes of particular incidents through WHY-WHY analysis. By means of a chain of questions and suggested answers the application eliminates all apparent causes and focuses on those that generated the problem. It also analyses the efficiency of countermeasures leaving the possibility to correct them.
Every day, leaders and company management by means of SIEGA software gather data concerning safety, number of incidents, accidents and near misses as well as good employee behaviour in a given organizational unit.
The data provides knowledge about particular employees, leaders, brigades, teams, departments or the whole production plants in terms of workplace safety. The application indicates areas which require in-depth analysis, additional training, creation or modification of procedures as well as additional work with certain employees or leaders.
Certainly not! On the contrary, the results of the research carried out in more than a dozen production plants and logistics centres show that engaging each employee in safety and quality of work management increases efficiency by several percent in the first six months, after the introduction of such solutions. The employees perform their duties in a mindful manner and understand the influence they have on their workplace; they raise their objections as well as share ideas and suggestions.
Moreover, other modules of the software help create more ergonomic and efficient workplace as well as eliminate such operations which do not bring added value to the process.